The T.E.A.M Problems

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TEAM (Test­ing Elec­tro­mag­net­ic Analy­sis Meth­ods) rep­re­sents an open in­ter­na­tion­al work­ing group aim­ing to com­pare elec­tro­mag­net­ic analy­sis com­put­er codes.

TEAM Work­shops are meet­ings of this group. A se­ries of TEAM Work­shops was start­ed in 1986 and has been or­ga­ni­zat­ed in two-year rounds, each com­pris­ing a se­ries of “Re­gion­al” work­shops and a “Fi­nal” Work­shop, as a satelite event of the COM­PUMAG Con­fer­ence.

The TEAM prob­lems con-sist in a list of test-prob­lems, with pre­cise­ly de­fined di­men­sions, con­sti­tu­tive laws of ma­te­ri­als, ex­ci­ta­tions, etc., and each backed by a re­al lab­o­ra­to­ry de­vice, on which mea­sure­ments can be made. The range of the TEAM prob­lems con­vers a wide area of ap­pli­ca­tions and fea­tures such as mov­ing or non mov­ing con­duc­tor parts, mag­net­ic el­e­ments, uni­form mag­net­ic field etc..

The ob­jec­tive of the sec­tion is to present some of the TEAM test cas­es in or­der to high­light some of the fea­tures and ca­pa­bil­i­ties of the present solver and con­tribute to its glob­al val­i­da­tion process.

The TEAM 3 val­i­da­tion test case con­sists of a coil with a uni­form si­nu­soidal cur­rent that gen­er­ates a mag­net­ic field and in­duces cur­rents on a thin rec­tan­gu­lar plaque with two holes (Read more).

The TEAM 4 bench­mark­ing case test con­sists of a rec­tan­gu­lar alu­minum brick with a rec­tan­gu­lar hole placed in a uni­form mag­net­ic field ex­po­nen­tial­ly de­cay­ing with time  per­pen­dic­u­lar to the faces with the hole (Read more).

The TEAM 7 val­i­da­tion case test case con­sists of a thick alu­minum plate with a hole, which is placed ec­cen­tri­cal­ly (asym­met­ric prob­lem). The field is pro­duced by a coil with uni­form cur­rent which varies si­nu­soidal­ly with time (Read more).

The TEAM 10 val­i­da­tion test case con­sists of a com­plex non­lin­ear tran­sient Ed­dy cur­rent in­volv­ing mag­ne­ti­za­tion. A ex­cit­ing coil is set be­tween two fine steel chan­nels and a steel plate is in­sert­ed be­tween the chan­nel. The per­me­abil­i­ty fol­lows the pat­tern of a non-lin­ear mag­ne­ti­za­tion curve (Read more).

The TEAM 12 val­i­da­tion test case con­sists of study­ing the cou­pling be­tween ed­dy cur­rents and the de­flec­tion of a can­tilevered beam un­der the in­flu­ence of an ex­te­ri­or uni­form mag­net­ic field set in the two di­rec­tions per­pen­dic­u­lar to the beam’s thick­ness (Read more).

The TEAM 28 val­i­da­tion prob­lem presents an elec­tro­dy­nam­ic lev­i­ta­tion de­vice which con­sists of a con­duct­ing plate over two ex­cit­ing coils. The aim is to de­ter­mine the dy­nam­ic char­ac­ter­is­tics of the lev­i­tat­ing plate (Read more).